2020, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A
Awareness and satisfaction of employee among employees state insurance services in Poondi Panchayat, Avinashi
Author(s): Dr. S Vijayalakshmi and S Saranya
Abstract: Employee State Insurance (ESI) benefit is very large Social Security in India. The Employee State Insurance Passed in the Indian Parliament in the year 1948. It aiming to providing social security to the organized sector employee and their family sector. It is multi-dimensional Health Insurance benefits providing medical facility to the employee. ESIC Provide for certain benefits to employees in case of sickness, maternity and medical benefit to employee of factories and establishments and dependents benefits to the dependents such employees. The Purpose of the study is to find out the awareness of ESI benefits, utilization and preference of hospital while utilizing the ESI benefits were analyzed. The data used for this study is collected from primary and secondary sources. The survey through questionnaire was conducted among selected 100 employees of four garments in Poondi Panchayat in Avinashi. To Finding the study reveals those employees are not aware about the ESI benefits, only limited facilities are available in ESI dispensaries and most of employees utilize the major treatments only. So the study suggests that the employer only create awareness about ESI benefits among their employee and lack of doctors, delay in settle disputes.
Pages: 17-21 | Views: 1689 | Downloads: 720
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How to cite this article:
Dr. S Vijayalakshmi, S Saranya. Awareness and satisfaction of employee among employees state insurance services in Poondi Panchayat, Avinashi. Asian J Manage Commerce 2020;1(2):17-21.