2023, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part B
A perception study on the impact of emotional marketing on consumer behaviour
Author(s): Dr. Abhishek Kumar
Abstract: In making purchases, emotions play a significant role. In both social and professional situations, rational and emotional factors work together to affect choices and decisions. This essay examines how consumer behaviour is impacted by emotional marketing as well as how customers' decision-making is impacted by emotions. 150 samples were drawn at random from a questionnaire in order to determine how customers react to various emotions. There were questions about how emotions affect people in different contexts, what emotions people frequently experience, and how they feel after making a purchase. The estimated findings revealed that emotions have a significant impact on consumer behaviour and depend on the individual's current state of mind and past experiences. Even though research demonstrated that emotions had an impact on consumer behaviour, this conclusion was entirely subjective because everyone experiences a range of emotions as a result of their unique set of life events. Practically, it is impossible to meet all of the emotional needs of a customer. Future studies can concentrate on different emotions and the behavioural factors that may have an impact, and a cross-sectional study can be carried out. Instead of relying on the consumer's attitude at the time of purchase, it would be wiser to use advertising and brand image to affect consumers' emotions.
DOI: 10.22271/27084515.2023.v4.i2b.208
Pages: 163-167 | Views: 527 | Downloads: 214
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How to cite this article:
Dr. Abhishek Kumar. A perception study on the impact of emotional marketing on consumer behaviour. Asian J Manage Commerce 2023;4(2):163-167. DOI: 10.22271/27084515.2023.v4.i2b.208